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AWS Office - San Francisco, CA


Secure your app process from development to deployment

June 7, 2023 | San Francisco

VIRTUAL - 12pm - 1:30 Lunch Executive Power Panel
In-person - 2:00pm - 5:00pm Hand-on Workshop

Securing applications is a long journey that begins in the software design phase and continues all the way through to deploying in a safe environment. Shifting left is no longer sufficient as we are also being asked to extend right! In other words, we have to Shift Smart.

Join the experts from Contrast Security, AWS and Secure Code Warrior for a fireside chat and a hands-on workshop at June 7 in San Francisco CA.

Fireside Chat will be virtual
Protecting your Organizational Content in the Cloud
Join our panel of experts and hear why application development is an essential business requirement for the majority of organizations. As a result, effective application security has grown beyond a need to protect property and reputation, into a competitive differentiator for effective teams.
stephen Allor

Steve Allor

VP, Strategy and Business Value Engineering

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brad johnson

Brad Johnson

Global DevOps Category Leader, Technology Partnerships


Larry Maccherone

Dev(Sec)Ops Transformation Architect

Hands-On Workshop
Mastering Long-Term Vulnerability Management: A Workshop for Developers and Application Security Professionals
Are you a developer or security professional concerned about the security risks that come with writing software? We understand that it's impractical to assume that software will be completely free of vulnerabilities, but the real question is, what can we do to manage those risks effectively?
Attend this workshop to:
  • Explore best practices for long-term vulnerability management of your applications
  • Learn how to make the process painless, rich in context and accurate with negligible false positives
  • Onboard a sample open-source application and learn how to find vulnerabilities with pinpoint accuracy
  • We'll also provide you with context-rich remediation guidance to ensure that you're equipped to tackle any issues that arise
Trevor Hess

Trevor Hess

Director of Technical Alliances

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mark kriaf

Mark Kriaf

Partner Solutions Architect




Pranoy De

Senior Sales Engineer

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