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Product Applicability Guide for PCI Compliance

Contrast Assess & Protect: PCI Compliance Whitepaper

This product applicability guide will cover how Contrast Assess and Protect function within an organizations’ compliance strategy for PCI DSS, PA-DSS, and the PCI Secure Software Standard. Contrast Assess (an IAST solution) offers a way to identify vulnerabilities in real time, with high accuracy. Contrast Protect (a RASP solution) provides an automated way to defend vulnerabilities and monitor security threats in production applications.

Learn how Contrast Assess and Protect infuse software with vulnerability detection and correction capabilities, relating to PCI requirements:

  • PCI DSS Section 2, create an inventory of system components in score through the Contrast Live View
  • PCI DSS Section 6, providing automated ways to locate and defend vulnerabilities applications from attack
  • PA DSS Section 5, automatically identify crucial classes of vulnerabilities within applications
  • PCI Secure Software Standard Section 7, automatically track usage of cryptographic algorithms
  • And more PCI requirements!

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