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Detect and block run-time attacks on known and unknown code vulnerabilities with greater precision


Contrast Protect with Runtime Application Self Protection (RASP) is production application and API protection that blocks attacks and reduces false positives, helping developer teams prioritize vulnerability backlogs


Block attacks against vulnerabilities not yet fixed or patched

Unlike perimeter defenses, instrumentation and sensors accurately detect and block runtime application attacks. Get a firm yes or no on whether the exploit reached its target. Protects against many zero-day attacks without tuning or reconfiguration.



Give AppSec, SecOps & Dev accurate, detailed information: the lines of code, queries executed, files accessed, and more. Faster remediation.



Whether it’s large scale enterprise IT environments, or mid-market growth companies, you get the application protection you need. Harden your applications against zero-day attacks and other vulnerabilities from the inside.

Contrast Protect for Log4j

Contrast Protect can stop the Log4j vulnerability today, in your application production systems, without requiring software upgrades. In addition, Contrast Protect defended the applications against the underlying vulnerability. This means, Contrast was protecting you against log injections long before it was disclosed as a CVE.

See Contrast Protect in Action

Watch this demo where a product expert showcases key Protect features and
answers questions live from the audience.


Continuous Security Observability from the Inside

  • Immediately know when things
    go wrong and why
  • Code-level telemetry with rich,
    actionable guidance
  • Prioritized, confirmed vulnerabilities with remediation help specific to your environment

Embedded Runtime Application Self Protection Control (RASP Security)

  • Accurate, compliant, and dynamic
    runtime exploit prevention
  • Application runtime instrumentation on the
    inside verifies exploitable attacks
  • Dramatically reduces noise and accelerates
    security posture

Simple Auto-Scaling and Security Portability

  • Simple auto-scaling protection in lockstep with your application runtime
  • DevOps-native process fit that deploys anywhere
    without bottlenecks
  • Seamless CI/CD and affordable total cost
    of ownership (TCO)

Resources to help you get
secure code moving


Whitepaper: Defense-in-depth web AppSec: The case for having both RASP and WAF

This white paper explores the value of having both RASP and WAF for web AppSec and how they can work together to provide a more comprehensive and effective approach.


eBook: State-of-the-Art Protection and Observability Is AppSec Exactly Where It Is Needed--In Production Runtimes

This eBook examines how runtime application protection and observability delivers a state-of-the-art approach to application security. Readers will gain the information needed to evaluate runtime application protection and observability solutions and how they augment perimeter defenses (such as WAFs).


Podcast: Protecting Apps from Known and Unknown Attacks

Contrast Security's Vikas Phonsa and Blake Connell are experts when it comes to application production runtime protection. In this Inside AppSec podcast, they discuss how perimeter-defense approaches are ineffective in blocking many types of threats and are highly inefficient to deploy and manage—often stretching SecOps teams to breaking points.


Webinar: Stop SQL Injection application attacks in their tracks.

98% of organizations reported 3+ successful application exploits in the past year.In response to the cascade of successful cyber exploits, President Biden issued an executive order that mandates the need for strengthening cybersecurity. Contrast Protect does just that for production applications. Unlike perimeter defenses, protection from the inside delivers unparalleled insights and remediation capabilities.

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WAF and RASP: Raising the bar for application protection

Read this eBook to learn two technologies: Web Application Firewall (WAF) and Runtime Application Self Protection (RASP) technology and why they are better together.

Api sec Protection house

Blog: Contrast Security Protect shields applications from zero-day attacks

Contrast Security’s Protect solution helps midsize and growth companies defend against emerging zero-day vulnerabilities and application security attacks.

Experience Contrast Protect

Learn how instrumentation works to find vulnerabilities in custom and open-source code and how it compares to legacy application security approaches.

Discover other products on the
Contrast Runtime Security Platform


Contrast Assess

Secure every line of code with breakthrough IAST technology


Contrast Scan

Identify and fix real vulnerabilities faster with unparalleled scan accuracy


Contrast SCA

Test and protect third party, open-source code moving through your software supply chain