White Paper: Modern Application Security Scanning
Contrast Scan is faster, more accurate, and more efficient
Traditional approaches to static application security testing (SAST) were not designed for today’s continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines. Legacy SAST is slow, generates noisy results, and requires analysis by security teams before remediation can begin. As such, these outdated tools bottleneck development workflows and jeopardize delivery schedules—forcing many organizations to choose between speed and security.
Organizations need a modern, pipeline-native scanning solution. As an extension of the Contrast Application Security Platform, Contrast Scan realizes a pipeline-native approach to static analysis—one that achieves dramatic improvements in speed, accuracy, and developer experience by removing obstacles and inefficiencies. This white paper details how Contrast offers the fastest, most accurate static analysis scanner available today:
- Enabling fast and easy deployment—up and running in three clicks
- Achieving scan times that are 10x faster
- Improving delivery cycles with 30% efficiency gains