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Executive Breakfast - Securing Applications and the Cloud

Tuesday, October 18, 2022  | 8:00-9:30 AM PT

The Terminal City Club
837 West Hastings St.
Vancouver, BC V6C 1B6

Join a panel of experts from Contrast Security, Forward Security, and AWS for an interactive discussion on improving cloud application security posture through emerging development trends.

Topics we’ll cover:

    • Why cloud-native software development models are quickly entering the mainstream
    • How security leaders should adjust their thinking for cloud-native development
    • Tips for building a culture around DevSecOps best practices for the cloud
    • Why organizations that are slow adopters of serverless applications are at a competitive disadvantage

This is an exclusive, invitation-only opportunity to meet with industry experts over breakfast, and have your questions answered in person. We look forward to seeing you there!

Space is limited. Please register in advance to secure your spot.

Larry Maccherone
DevSecOps Transformation Architect
Contrast Security
Untitled design (6)
Farshad Abasi
Founder & CSO
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