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Buyers Beware: 5 Gifts That Leave You Vulnerable to Hackers

By Contrast Marketing

December 1, 2016

Contrast News


vulnerable-to-hckers.jpgAs the holiday season kicks into full gear, this year's hottest tech gifts are on everyone's mind. Contrast Security's Co-Founder and CTO, Jeff Williams, was recently quoted in an article by Erik Sherman for The Fiscal Times. The article discusses five different gifts that can potentially leave consumers vulnerable to hackers.

Jeff provided commentary surrounding Internet of Things (IoT) security implications on popular connected consumer electronics:

"All it takes is one [design] screw-up for an attacker to find a [common security] flaw on an IoT device," said Jeff Williams, co-founder and CTO of security software vendor Contrast Security. "You can direct them to do things they weren’t intended to do, like heat the house to 120 degrees, or burn the toast, or drive the car through the back of the garage." An attacker might also ride the connection back to the smartphone app that controls the device and see what personal information is available on the phone.

This article first appeared in The Fiscal Times on November 22, 2016.  

Read the full piece here >>

Contrast Marketing

Contrast Marketing