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Application Security Integrations: Start Slacking!

By Contrast Marketing

September 26, 2016

Contrast News Product

Application Security Integrations: Start Slacking!

If you’re one of the three million daily active users of Slack, then chat based-collaboration is something that is very important to you.  We also embrace it here at Contrast Security. 

In our latest release of Contrast Enterprise, an integration with Slack (and HipChat too!) was included.  You can now get notified about vulnerabilities or attacks — in real time — using your daily communication tools.


Setup is a snap.  We’ve added some exciting, screenshot-less online documentation for you.  Within a minute, you can see your Contrast notifications mixing in with pictures of your teammates' pets, complaints about how late lunch is, and people using giphy on random phrases.  And work.  Of course, work.

If you don’t use either Slack or HipChat, nothing to worry about.  We offer a generic webhook integration to feed your addiction to those sweet, sweet Contrast notifications.

Like our Jenkins and Maven integrations, this is just another example of how Contrast fits seamlessly into your existing processes and helps you build secure apps and protect them from attacks.

Contrast Marketing

Contrast Marketing