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Jacob Mages-Haskins, Staff Software Engineer, Contrast Security

Jacob is a software engineer with decades of experience. He lives in New England with his family and enjoys reading, gardening and the outdoors.

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    Secure your code amid layoffs

    Secure your code amid layoffs

    Thus far during November 2022, many tech companies have put in place hiring freezes or conducted layoffs. For example,..

    Find JavaScript security vulnerabilities for free with CodeSec vulnerability scanner

    Find JavaScript security vulnerabilities for free with CodeSec vulnerability scanner

    According to a 2022 Stack Overflow survey of more than 50K professional developers, JavaScript is the top programming..

    How to create SBOMs for free with CodeSec by Contrast

    How to create SBOMs for free with CodeSec by Contrast

    A recent Executive Order from the Biden Whitehouse instructs various government agencies to take action to improve our..

    Log4j still an issue, but CodeSec audit can help

    Log4j still an issue, but CodeSec audit can help

    Landing on the incident response boards for software engineering teams worldwide in December 2021, the Log4j..

    How to scan for cybersecurity risks on every commit with CodeSec and Git Hooks for free

    How to scan for cybersecurity risks on every commit with CodeSec and Git Hooks for free

    Good programmers are lazy. It’s a common euphemism in the software development world: a humorous, counterintuitive..