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Cloud Developers Can Now Get Cloud Foundry Certified!


application-security-in-the-cloudCloud developers can now become certified as Cloud Foundry experts, thanks to the folks at Cloud Foundry Foundation, who announced last week the launch of a cloud based developer certification initiative. The genesis behind this initiative will ensure that cloud developers are educated and properly trained to help close the skills gap as organizations rapidly embrace cloud architectures.

A recent TechNewsWorld article, “Cloud Foundry Aims to Close the Cloud Skills Gap” discusses the new program in-depth. Jeff Williams, Co-founder and CTO of Contrast Security was interviewed and voiced his thoughts on how “the cloud” is just one piece of the hundreds of technologies that developers must handle:

“All the layers in the modern stack are leaky abstractions, so sooner or later, every developer
will run up against a problem that requires understanding something about what is beneath their code.
That is when this skills gap really costs an organization."

~Jeff Williams,
Co-Founder & CTO 
Contrast Security

Top-tier technology companies (e.g. IBM, Pivotal Networks, Resilient Scale, SAP, Swisscom, etc.) will participate in the build-out of the certification program and training.

And on the subject of securing cloud applications, Pivotal Networks, announced this week that the Contrast Security Service Broker is now available. The service broker utilizes the Contrast Security Buildpack to secure applications.

Pivotal Networks customers can now instrument applications with Contrast Security Service Broker for PCF to gain real-time visibility to vulnerabilities in their applications and to defend them against attacks.

To learn more about this integration, contact your Pivotal Networks account rep or click here to reach out to Contrast.

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