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Cybersecurity Insights with Contrast CISO David Lindner | 6/24

Cybersecurity Insights with Contrast CISO David Lindner | 6/24

Insight #1

"I recently read an article where analysts are pushing organizations to decentralize security. Is it time to try that again?  We have security champions, BISOs, and the “security is everyone’s job movement.” The reality is we can decentralize all we want, but we still need security and risk experts across the org in a company to be successful at doing so, not to mention finding more security leadership hidden away somewhere. Security is still security and risk is still risk, regardless of where you put it in an organization."

Insight #2

"Are you tracking your False Positive rates? What I mean by this is, how many False Positives within your vulnerability management program are you throwing over the wall to your engineering teams? One metric to start tracking is this false positive rate, and to start driving that under 10%."

Insight #3

"It’s summertime, by this point a lot of security orgs are facing burn out and lots of piled up work. I just talked to another security professional who has a team of 24 and has 14 open jobs. Make sure your teams make it a priority to take time off and regenerate. It is most critical to the success of your security team."
David Lindner, Chief Information Security Officer

David Lindner, Chief Information Security Officer

David is an experienced application security professional with over 20 years in cybersecurity. In addition to serving as the chief information security officer, David leads the Contrast Labs team that is focused on analyzing threat intelligence to help enterprise clients develop more proactive approaches to their application security programs. Throughout his career, David has worked within multiple disciplines in the security field—from application development, to network architecture design and support, to IT security and consulting, to security training, to application security. Over the past decade, David has specialized in all things related to mobile applications and securing them. He has worked with many clients across industry sectors, including financial, government, automobile, healthcare, and retail. David is an active participant in numerous bug bounty programs.