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Gazing Ahead: 2017 Cyber Security Predictions

By Contrast Marketing

December 14, 2016

Gazing Ahead: 2017 Cyber Security Predictions

Contrast Security co-founders Arshan Dabirsiaghi and Jeff Williams are included in an SC Magazine article by Greg Masters entitled "Gazing Ahead: Security Predictions." 

This piece features a roundup of the top 2017 cyber security predictions from 50 security experts.

Click here to read all 50 predictions on SC Magazine. Below are both Jeff and Arshan's predictions.

Jeff-Williams.jpg2017 SECURITY PREDICTIONS: Jeff Williams, co-founder and CTO, Contrast Security

  1. We will see major offensive cyber action from the U.S. Government in response to a reported cyberattack. Because of the attribution problem with cyberattacks, there will be considerable ambiguity about the attacker's identity. Unlike Iraq, where we eventually found out we were misled, in this case we may never know the truth.

  2. We will see increased attacks on encryption by the FBI and other agencies. This will be a pivotal year in the development of this 25+ year long debate about the future of information, privacy, and security.

  3. Attacks on code repositories and open source libraries will increase dramatically.

Arshan-Dabirsiaghi.jpg2017 SECURITY PREDICTIONS: Arshan Dabirsiaghi, co-founder and chief scientist, Contrast Security

  1. Anonymous and/or anti-Trump groups will launch a major cyberattack from within our own borders.

  2. We will see ransomware on medical devices like an MRI machine or pace makers – not just hospital records. 

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