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How to Improve AppSec in DevOps

By Contrast Marketing

April 21, 2017


How to Improve AppSec in DevOps

DevOps seems to be on the mind of a lot of folks these days. Many articles have been written on how to strategically move groups to well-functioning and secure DevOp methodologies. Leading experts, who've been in the DevOps trenches, are now sharing their success stories, how they've overcome the challenges and broken down the obstacles between application developers, operations and security.

These leaders PROVE that teams CAN work together without friction to build secure code from the start.

For instance, industry analyst Johna Till Johnson wrote a piece that appeared in TechTarget earlier this month.  She outlines three key steps that embed security into the software development process. The piece, "Totally Automatic: Improve DevOps and Security in Three Key Steps," recommends Contrast Security as a vendor for automated DevOps and security testing!   Her article requires registration, but is worth the effort if you need some tips on how to get your program off-the-ground and running.

Also, Tim Chase, Director of Security at Nielsen, recently shared his story of how he successfully built and scaled the DevOps function. Tim says that instrumentation, which enabled applications to be assessed and protected simultaneously and continuously, has transformed his DevOps program. And, by deploying integrations that provide instant notifications, team members can now engage with others, no matter where they are at in the software development lifecycle (SDLC).


Watch this short interview with Tim Chase of Nielsen as he shares
his thoughts on the importance of continuous application security. 


Contrast Marketing

Contrast Marketing