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New Cloud Security Integrations, Cool Data Analysis and an Article in Forbes

By Contrast Marketing

January 11, 2018


2018 is "out of the gates" and off to a heck of a start. We hit the trifecta with the following three activities...starting with some new integrations!

Our development team has great things planned for both Contrast Asses and Protect with an early-year focus on improving devops integrations and helping improve workflow processes. 

Last week we announced Contrast's ability to send third-party library data to bugtrackers. Since vulnerabilities are in both custom code and open-source libraries, why not manage all of them the same way? By sending vulnerable library details as tickets to your integrated bugtracking system, users may now send an open ticket to track libraries (vulnerable or not) to an integrated bugtracker for investigation and remediation. 


Also, announced last week, a new integration with VictorOps. Just like the Contrast Slack and HipChat integrations, you may now trigger VictorOps incidents and alerts — whenever an attack starts and ends — through the integration screen.

If you missed it, Contrast Labs recently published its latest findings using real world application attack data from December 2017. Check out the latest findings by clicking here >>

Finally, Contrast CTO and co-founder Jeff Williams was featured in several articles already this year. Below is an excerpt from an article which was published in Forbes. You may also read the full article by clicking here >>

The Future Of Code, A Security Perspective
Forbes-logo.jpg(This article first appeared in Forbes online. It was authored by Jeff Williams as part of the Forbes Technology Council series. The Forbes Technology Council is comprised of elite CIOs, CTOs & execs offering firsthand insights on technology and business.)

We are in the midst of a time of great change for software and security. Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve almost certainly noticed huge breaches happening at an ever-increasing rate. In this article, we’ll look at a few trends in the software world and how they are likely to affect our ability to prevent these attacks.

The bottom line:  While some of these developments are making security more difficult and dangerous, many have potential to dramatically improve security as well.

Click here to read the full article >>

I've spent the past 20 years designing, implementing and supporting application security programs at large enterprises. I've had the unique opportunity to work with hundreds of companies across an insane amount of technologies, businesses and cultures. I often am involved with the "advance guard" type of project that is piloting the future of software at these organizations. 


Contrast Marketing

Contrast Marketing