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AppSec Observer

Contrast's application security blog provides the latest trends and tips in DevSecOps through instrumentation and security observability.

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    Jeff Williams Selected as Finalist for the Dark Reading’s Best of Black Hat Innovator Awards

    Our CTO and cofounder Jeff Williams has been selected as one of three finalists for Dark Reading’s Best of Black Hat..

    International hacks, politics and knee-jerk cybersecurity - never a good mix

    The FBI is now leading an investigation into a hack into the Democratic National Committee. This is the first..

    Hacked... Because of an Insecure Library

    Hacked... Because of an Insecure Library

    This morning, ZDNet’s Zack Whittaker reported a hacker has targeted the official forum for the mobile game Clash of..


    The True Cost of "False Positives" in Application Security

    Remember the story of the boy who cried wolf? His pranks were "false alarms" - defined as "a mistaken or intentionally..


    Security Fail in Pokémon Go

    As you may have heard, some Pokémon Go players may have given the game’s developers access to everything on their..

    Contrast releases new open source integrations to transform DevOps into DevSecOps

    Contrast releases new open source integrations to transform DevOps into DevSecOps

    Contrast is tailor-made for powering appsec in devops organizations. It's instant, accurate, powerful, and scalable. It..

    Third category of application security tools beyond

    Third category of application security tools beyond "static" and "dynamic"?

    Recently, Clark Coleman asked a very logical question about application security tools.

    Waiter… there’s a fly in my appsec tool soup!!!

    Waiter… there’s a fly in my appsec tool soup!!!

    Brace yourself. Recent advances in application security are about to spawn an onslaught of application security tool..

    The Client Is Not Always Right!

    The Client Is Not Always Right!

    J’accuse! I often get the question, “How well does your product handle iOS?” I’d like to explain why I think this..