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AppSec Observer: API security (2)

Contrast's application security blog provides the latest trends and tips in DevSecOps through instrumentation and security observability.

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    Scaling security with the speed of modern software development

    Scaling security with the speed of modern software development

    What if you could instantly prevent 95%* of the vulnerabilities in your running applications from being exploited? With..

    Building a modern API security strategy — API protection

    Building a modern API security strategy — API protection

    Part four of the five-part series, Building a modern API security strategy.

    Building a modern API security strategy — API components

    Building a modern API security strategy — API components

    Part three of the five-part series, Building a modern API security strategy.

    Building a modern API security strategy — API testing

    Building a modern API security strategy — API testing

    Part two of the five-part series, Building a modern API security strategy.

    Building a modern API security strategy — API inventory

    Building a modern API security strategy — API inventory

    Part one of the five-part series, Building a modern API security strategy.

    Building a modern API security strategy: A five-part series — Overview

    Building a modern API security strategy: A five-part series — Overview

    The Spring4Shell exploit was, really, quite elegant.

    Feeble APIs = Feeble app security

    Feeble APIs = Feeble app security

    Your apps are only as secure as each one of your scores of APIs.