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AppSec Observer: Hacked (2)

Contrast's application security blog provides the latest trends and tips in DevSecOps through instrumentation and security observability.

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    Struts 2, Equifax and You

    It's hard to overstate what's happening here. The FBI, New York and Massachusetts Attorneys General, and Congress are..

    A Week of Web Application Hacks and Vulnerabilities

    A Week of Web Application Hacks and Vulnerabilities

    Wow, what a week! Our industry is rippling from all the news surrounding the latest Struts 2 vulnerability and the..

    VULNERABILITY ALERT: CVE-2017-9805 – Struts S2-052 Exploit Released, Protection Offered

    VULNERABILITY ALERT: CVE-2017-9805 – Struts S2-052 Exploit Released, Protection Offered

    On Tuesday, September 5, 2017, a critical new Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerability was disclosed against all..

    Google Docs May Still be Vulnerable to Phishing Attacks

    On Tuesday, users of Google Docs were targeted with an email phishing attack. The email content was a ruse to trick..

    The WikiLeaks CIA Dump Dominates AppSec News Coverage

    WikiLeaks has been dominating recent news when it released "Vault 7", a new series of leaks it claims came from the..

    CVE-2017-5638 – Struts 2 S2-045 Exploit Released – Protection Offered

    On March 6, a new remote code execution vulnerability was disclosed1 against Struts 2 (2.3.5-2.3.31 and 2.5-2.5.10.)..


    The Impact of Fake Retail Apps Hitting the Apple App Store this Year

    Last week, App Developer Magazine, in an article titled "The Impact of Fake Retail Apps Hitting the Apple App Store..

    DOM XSS in

    DOM XSS in, a hosting provider which claims to host millions of websites, contains an XSS that leads to administrator..

    60 Minutes & the

    60 Minutes & the "Signaling System Seven (SS7) Vulnerability"

    Over the weekend, 60 Minutes featured a segment on how cellphones and mobile phone networks are vulnerable to hacking,..