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AppSec Observer: Thought Leaders (13)

Contrast's application security blog provides the latest trends and tips in DevSecOps through instrumentation and security observability.

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    Struts 2, Equifax and You

    It's hard to overstate what's happening here. The FBI, New York and Massachusetts Attorneys General, and Congress are..

    A Week of Web Application Hacks and Vulnerabilities

    A Week of Web Application Hacks and Vulnerabilities

    Wow, what a week! Our industry is rippling from all the news surrounding the latest Struts 2 vulnerability and the..

    Thoughts on Modern Security Practices and Security Frameworks

    Thoughts on Modern Security Practices and Security Frameworks

    How have modern assets like cloud instances, web-based applications, mobile devices, application containers, and others..


    Newest Contrast Labs' Report: State of Application Security - Libraries & Software Composition Analysis

    Contrast Security has introduced a new report series, “State of Application Security,” based on research efforts by..

    How Code Vulnerabilities Can Lead to Bad Accidents

    How Code Vulnerabilities Can Lead to Bad Accidents

    Are you interested in the security of the open source libraries you're trusting with your business? If so, you may want..


    Supercharged Application Resilience: Improve Performance with Application Security Monitoring

    More and more companies interact with customers via digital channels, making the digital customer experience they..

    A CTO's Response to Trump's Cybersecurity Executive Order

    In principle, holding each agency head accountable for his or her agency’s cybersecurity is logical. The problem with..


    Improve Application Security by Turning it into Code

    Why is application security such a pain? One of the hard problems with application security is that there are a zillion..

    We are Seeing Ongoing Struts 2 Attacks

    We are Seeing Ongoing Struts 2 Attacks

    If you’re running web applications on the Internet, then you’re almost certainly seeing probes for the Struts 2..