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Contrast SECURITY VULNERABILITY DETECTION vs the Log4J2 CVE - A demonstration

Contrast SECURITY VULNERABILITY DETECTION vs the Log4J2 CVE - A demonstration

This week, Contrast Security proved that we could detect the Log4j2 vulnerability that caused CVE-2021-44228 and stop attacks against it, without updating versions or using a WAF. Here is a short demonstration from our founder Jeff Williams: 


Some key takeaways from Jeff’s video:

Contrast SCA identified that the application uses the vulnerable version of log4j. Our runtime context also allows you to identify which applications use JMSAppender, the specific class that can be exploited using this CVE. 

Contrast Protect defended the applications against the underlying vulnerability. This means, Contrast was protecting you against the log4j vulnerability long before it was disclosed as a CVE this week.

Finally, Contrast Assess application security detects the underlying vulnerability in applications. This means, Contrast will find the next application vulnerability like this one, before it becomes a disclosed CVE or major incident.

Connect with us now to learn how Contrast can protect your Java applications against exploits like Log4j and how you can get started at no charge today.


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