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How Secure Are Your Third-Party Libraries?

By Contrast Marketing

August 22, 2016

Contrast News


Does your current AppSec tool provide you with the visibility and control you need?

Unlike legacy solutions, Contrast Assess takes a radically new approach by inserting passive sensors across the entire application stack. It then feeds events into a powerful engine that automatically and accurately detects vulnerabilities.

Contrast Assess then continuously monitors and identifies vulnerabilities. Because of these capabilities, we can see problems that other tools cannot identify to achieve an unprecedented level of accuracy. For example, Contrast can see vulnerabilities in:

  • Third-party libraries
  • Application frameworks
  • The runtime platform itself
  • Custom code

Static or dynamic solutions - and even human security analysts - have extreme difficulty finding these types of deep security flaws.

Take a look at the OWASP benchmark study to see for yourself why the Contrast Assess surpasses legacy tools like SAST and DAST. 



Contrast Marketing

Contrast Marketing