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AppSec Observer: Application Security (9)

Contrast's application security blog provides the latest trends and tips in DevSecOps through instrumentation and security observability.

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    The 3 disadvantages of using WAF Network Security

    It is time… time to ditch traditional approaches to the way we have managed application security. Specifically, it’s..


    Automating Application Security in Modern Software Projects

    Today, it seems like every organization has become a software company. The increasing dependence on automation demands..


    The 4 Dimensions of a sound Application Security Strategy

    For many application security vendors, "coverage" is the third rail — but it's a critical part of your application..

    Integrations Make Managing AppSec Even Easier!

    Integrations Make Managing AppSec Even Easier!

    At Contrast Security, we believe that application security should be pervasive and transparent. Application security..

    Can Openness in the US Government Lead to Better Application Security?

    Can Openness in the US Government Lead to Better Application Security?

    On Tuesday morning, ZDNet reported that U.S. government has published a new federal policy that aims to encourage more..


    With Only a Hammer, Everything Looks Like a Security Vulnerability!

    Did you know that most security vulnerabilities are simply the result of failing to use the right security control in..


    The True Cost of "False Positives" in Application Security

    Remember the story of the boy who cried wolf? His pranks were "false alarms" - defined as "a mistaken or intentionally..


    Security Fail in Pokémon Go

    As you may have heard, some Pokémon Go players may have given the game’s developers access to everything on their..

    Third category of application security tools beyond

    Third category of application security tools beyond "static" and "dynamic"?

    Recently, Clark Coleman asked a very logical question about application security tools.