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AppSec Observer: Thought Leaders (15)

Contrast's application security blog provides the latest trends and tips in DevSecOps through instrumentation and security observability.

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    What to Do about Latest Yahoo Data Breach

    On Wednesday Yahoo disclosed a data breach that affected one billion accounts. Yahoo said that it believes an..

    Obama Orders Review of Election Hacking

    BACKROUND - President Obama recently ordered a “deep dive” into the cyberattacks of this year’s election and he wants..

    New Guide Available: Application & Data Security Volume II

    New Guide Available: Application & Data Security Volume II

    A new guide, published by DZone and entitled "Application and Data Security" is now available for free. This Guide..

    What Happens to Application Security When Your Apps Go to the Cloud?

    What Happens to Application Security When Your Apps Go to the Cloud?

    This article discusses the pros of applications moving to the cloud, the security dilemma’s surrounding the move, and..


    The Impact of Fake Retail Apps Hitting the Apple App Store this Year

    Last week, App Developer Magazine, in an article titled "The Impact of Fake Retail Apps Hitting the Apple App Store..


    Poor Election Cybersecurity Abounds

    In an SC Magazine article published earlier this week, Larry Jaffee discusses the potential cybersecurity concerns of..

    man computer

    Chat all you want… but will that data in your message be secure?

    Businesses are looking to tools to improve productivity — no surprise right. Business apps are not just “stand-alone”..


    Is There a 3rd Category of Application Security Tools Beyond Static & Dynamic?

    Recently, Clark Coleman asked a very logical question about application security tools: Can you explain the difference..

    Application Security: Changes to Microsoft Patch Tuesday

    Application Security: Changes to Microsoft Patch Tuesday

    Everyone should be patching like Microsoft. You can argue with some of the tiny details about how Microsoft schedules..