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How To Select The Right Products For Your Cybersecurity Portfolio


So far in his cybersecurity series, Dan Woods' Forbes articles have focused on how to build the right cybersecurity portfolio for your business. He has outlined three key steps companies should take, and advocated that companies not overspend on prevention.

They need to assess their unique cybersecurity needs and create a balanced portfolio that meets those needs by taking into account all five of the categories in the NIST framework for cybersecurity.

Click here to read his latest article in the series, "How to Select the Right Products for Your Cybersecurity Portfolio."

Below is an excerpt from the article and quotes from Jeff Williams, CTO & Co-Founder of Contrast Security:

"Data is becoming more important to all facets of contemporary business. You use it to see how well your sales and marketing teams are doing, to see how a product is performing, and to get a better idea of how to reach your customers. Data analytics and dashboards are crucial to democratizing data and allowing anyone in your business to use data to guide their decisions. Security should be no different. Without visibility, you’ll likely end up spending money where you shouldn’t, meaning less resources for areas that need attention."

As Jeff Williams, co-founder and CTO of Contrast Security, pointed out, "so many of the tools today and from the past are expensive and come with many bells and whistles, but don’t offer any way to see if they’re working, which leaves you vulnerable. Many of the tools don’t even allow you to know if you’re completely covered,” he said.

Williams thinks “regularly” doesn’t go far enough. “Many security tools offer “point-in-time” assessments, but aren’t designed for continuous analysis,” he said. “Imagine if your nervous system only worked for a few hours every month. The era of annual scans is dead; we need continuous security for a world of continuous threats.”.

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